PMN is Approved as an Alabama First Class Pre-K Child-Care Location

Our nursery/day care has been approved as an Alabama Department of Early Childhood Education First Class Pre-K Program location. This means that those who meet the income, residency, and child age requirements are eligible for financial assistance for the enrollment fee to our center for the 2019-2020 school year.
We have yet to determine how much of the fee will be reduced for those approved for the program because this is new to us, but the cost reduction will be significant. Therefore, we strongly encourage those who are eligible to fill out the application for this benefit. And we encourage you to do so as soon as possible. We have a limit of 18 spots for this program this year.
Your child must be 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2019.
You must be a resident of Alabama.
The state will chose which child will have the benefits through a random drawing. We are waiting for more information on the timing of this drawing.
In addition to the financial assistance for the enrollment fees, the Department of Education Office of School Readiness, which administers this program, provides training and coaching for our teachers. But to be eligible, we had to meet high facility and administrative and many other requirements. We're proud to have completed this stringent process to provide the benefit but also the high-quality care so your child can thrive while we prepare him/her for kindergarten and further schooling.
What to do:
First step is to read over this pre-registration information and create an account as instructed and send in the proof documents as you fill out the application.
The next step is to return to our website contact page and let us know you completed the application.
We expect to receive more information about this process in the next few months. Please follow us on Facebook and check back at our website News page to see updated information.