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2017 Summer News

Dear Parents- Thank you for making Pamper Me Nursery C.D.C. your childcare choice! We consider it a privilege to care for your children! Nutrition information listing PMN Menu for the day will be written on the white board daily, and daily reports for our toddlers, and pre-school age children will resume in August. During the summer months we are enjoying some outside play, along with writing, art, reading, and music time!

Starting July 5th we will begin our Splash Days! Our splash day will consist of running through the sprinklers, and getting our entire bodies wet! Parents please bring the following items for your child so that they are ready to splash: towel, swim suit, swim diapers (non potty trained). We will splash at least 2-3 days a week! If for any reason you do not want your child to participate in splash day please let me know. Please make sure that your children have on closed toe shoes, so that they can enjoy themselves in “play” safely. You may also send sunscreen and “OFF” bug spray, along with a signed note asking us to apply it before going outside. Thanks for being a great part of our PMN family!

Please make note of the following updates/reminders:

  • Enrichment Fee Reminder: All currently enrolled families and new families will be required to pay $150.00 Due September 5th (annually). The Annual Enrichment Fee is used to provide high quality service, materials, supplies, and well-trained, educated, and care giving teachers.

  • PMN Summer Camp: PMN will have limited spaces available for children ages 6-10 for the Summer Months of June and July! $25 Registration Fee, and the cost of $300.00 per month, due the 1st of each month.

  • Referral Rewards: When you refer a friend to PMN and they enroll you will receive $25.00 off your tuition the month that our “New” PMN friends are enrolled.

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